Join CPF QCNU for FREE monthly virtual cultural events on Wednesday nights! Together with partners from across our vast territory, we have an exciting line-up of activities ranging from a hands-on cooking class, to a museum tour, to trivia night – all presented in French and adapted specifically for language-learners.

Stay tuned by joining our newsletter!

JUNE | Story Time

Wednesday June 5 at 7:00 PM Eastern Time
In partnership with Éditions les 400 coups and QFHSA

Join us for a story hour with our three guest authors: Annie Bacon, Caroline Barber and Stéphanie Boyer, who will read from their respective works and share their creative process!

Find out more about the stories that will be presented at this event:

Target age group: 6-14 years old

JULY | Cooking Workshop

Wednesday July 24 at 4:30 PM Eastern Time

Join “C’est moi le Chef” for a hands-on cooking experience en français!

You will receive a list of ingredients and cooking utensils to prepare in advance. Parents are asked to be present and ready to assist their children as super-assistants. We will be preparing pear and strawberry Tiramisu!

Register today for this opportunity for your child to learn to cook while developing their curiosity and their confidence in French.

Target age group: 7-13 years old

AUGUST | Kahoot! Game Night

Wednesday August 28 at 7:00 PM Eastern Time

Join us for a Family-friendly Kahoot! learning experience about summer and heading back to school. Challenge friends and family to test their French skills and win exciting prizes!

Participants can play along via the Kahoot! app or their favorite internet browser using their phone, mobile device, or laptop.

Target age group: All people who are children at heart!