
You know the saying, teamwork makes the dream work, and don’t we know it! At CPF-QCNU, partnerships are essential in ensuring we are delivering FSL services across Quebec and Nunavut.

Learn more about them and our partnerships below:


Our partnership with LEARN, has allowed us to develop creative FSL initiatives. Notably, Accent Québec, The Goodnight Bag and the Linguistic Risk-taking Passports!

Accent Québec

This bilingual platform of French-language resources is designed to support teachers, students and parents enhance their French as a Second Language (FSL) experience in and outside of school.

My Goodnight Bag

Designed to help parents establish a regular sleep pattern and a consistent bedtime routine for their child(ren).. bilingually! Routines are comforting as much for the children as for their parents.

Voice of English-speaking Québec

Together with VEQ, CPF offers French activities for newcomers and English-speakers in the Quebec City Region.

Association de francophones du Nunavut

Nunavut has a vibrant Francophone community! Alongside AFN, CPF helps to create French activities for adults and children to enjoy in Iqaluit, like movie nights!

Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages – Quebec and Nunavut

Bilingualism is at the heart of our Canadian identity. CPF works on numerous projects with OCOL in Quebec to ensure more FSL resources to English-speaking Quebecers!

Le Carrefour Nunavut

Axés sur l’emploi francophone à Iqaluit, Le Carrefour Nunavut et CPF se réunissent pour offrir des ressources en français aux personnes vivant à Iqaluit.

Le Nunavoix

Le journal francophone d’Iqaluit et CPF se sont réunis pour offrir la section « passe-temps franco » aux enfants (et à leurs parents) afin de travailler leur français avec des mots croisés et d’autres jeux de mots amusants.

Commission scolaire Lester-B.-Pearson

Les partenaires d’Accent Québec et des passeports de prise de risques linguistiques, de la Commission scolaire Lester B. Pearson et de CFP ont plusieurs objectifs similaires. Ensemble, nous créons plus d’occasions pour les anglophones d’utiliser et de travailler le français!

Linguistic Risk-taking Passports

Prenez un risque, gagnez un prix! Ce passeport vous aidera à découvrir de nouvelles façons créatives d’utiliser le français. Ce sera une ressource intéressante dans votre parcours d’apprentissage linguistique.

We need YOU!

As a non-profit organization, we can’t do what we do without your support.


Become a Member

Join our network and get FSL resources, support, and insider-info only available to members.


We’re always looking for new volunteers who are ready to help young people learn and use French.


When you give, you make a positive impact on the lives of Canadian youth.